How to Identify 100 Wild Plants and Mushrooms in North America

Looking to explore the world of plants and mushrooms in North America? You’re in the right spot. This blog post is like a big directory of 100 common ones you might come across. For each one, there’s a link that takes you to a detailed article about it. Whether you’re into foraging or just curious about what’s out there, use this list as a starting point to learn more. Dive in and see what nature has to offer.

Plant and Mushroom Index

  1. Elderberry
  2. Nannyberry
  3. Broadleaf Arrowhead
  4. Redroot Pigweed
  5. Slim Amaranth
  6. Lamb’s Quarter
  7. Wild Garlic
  8. Ramps
  9. Nodding Onion
  10. Pawpaw
  11. Aniseroot
  12. Golden Alexanders
  13. Great Angelica
  14. Fennel
  15. Common Milkweed
  16. Wild Sarsaparilla
  17. Asparagus
  18. False Solomon’s Seal
  19. Jerusalem Artichoke
  20. Canada lettuce
  21. Sow Thistle
  22. Dandelion
  23. Purple Salsify
  24. Chicory
  25. Common Burdock
  26. Prickly Lettuce
  27. Yarrow
  28. Tarragon
  29. Arrowleaf Balsamroot
  30. Watercress
  31. Tumble Mustard
  32. Yellow Rocket
  33. Shepherd’s Purse
  34. Hairy Bittercress
  35. Virginia Pepperweed
  36. Garlic Mustard
  37. Hackberry
  38. Chickweed
  39. Bladder Campion
  40. Canadian Bunchberry
  41. American Persimmon
  42. Large Cranberry
  43. Highbush Blueberry
  44. Bog Blueberry
  45. Wintergreen
  46. Groundnut
  47. Alfalfa
  48. Yellow Sweet Clover
  49. White Clover
  50. Hog-peanut
  51. American Beech
  52. White Oak
  53. Black Walnut
  54. Shagbark Hickory
  55. Creeping Charlie
  56. Bee Balm
  57. Self-heal
  58. Anise Hyssop
  59. Sassafras
  60. Paper Mulberry
  61. Evening Primrose
  62. Fireweed
  63. Plantain
  64. American Brooklime
  65. Common Reed
  66. Lady’s Thumb
  67. Knotweed
  68. Wild Strawberry
  69. American Plum
  70. Red Raspberry
  71. Allegheny Blackberry
  72. Woods’ Rose
  73. Common Hawthorn
  74. Saskatoon Berry
  75. Sweet Woodruff
  76. Cattail
  77. Stinging Nettle
  78. Common Blue Violet
  79. Riverbank Grape
  80. Orange Daylily
  81. Meadow Mushroom
  82. Horse Mushroom
  83. The Prince
  84. Shaggy Ink Cap
  85. King Bolete
  86. Birch Bolete
  87. Beefsteak Mushroom
  88. Chicken of the Woods
  89. Lion’s Mane
  90. The Deceiver
  91. Lobster Mushroom
  92. Hen of the Woods
  93. Black Morel
  94. Honey Fungus
  95. Oyster Mushroom
  96. Dryad’s Saddle
  97. Saffron Milk Cap
  98. Charcoal Burner
  99. Weeping Bolete
  100. Aniseed Toadstool

Want to learn more?

Our new book, “A New Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods,” is available on Amazon. It helps beginners learn about how to identify and cook with these 100 common plants and mushrooms. Click the buy button on the right and order your copy now!

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